The WARC transmits a weekly news bulletin every Sunday morning, starting at 08h30 local time on the following frequencies and media:
Via the 145.675 MHz repeater in FM mode duplex.
This is the Primary WARC Bulletin frequency.
A VHF relay is (on occasion) also on 145.300 MHz simplex in Upper Sideband mode ( or we can use our new UHF Repeater as soon as the ICASA licence is received)
When relay stations are available, relays of the VHF bulletins are simultaneously broadcast on the following HF frequencies (for the benefit of listeners without VHF equipment or beyond the range of the repeaters):
3.800 MHz in the 80 metre band, and
7.086 MHz.in the 40 metre band (currently inactive)
The SARL and WARC bulletins are also sent out on Echolink via XX ( Niel See if you can setup and relay) via the kind courtesy of Niel ZR1ABO
The first bulletin is a relay of the SARL HQ Bulletin in English. It starts at 08h30. The second bulletin is the WARC's Club Bulletin which follows immediately after the first, usually at around 08h45.
Towards the end of the bulletin, a "Swop-Shop" call-in is held for those wishing to offer ham radio-related items for swop or sale. No prices are mentioned on air.
At the end of the bulletin, a general call-in is held for those radio amateurs who have not already been logged before or during the bulletin. Listeners are encouraged to give their call signs.
The bulletins are prepared and read by various committee members on a schedule that is subject to change.Towards the end of a bulletin, the following week's bulletin reader and contact details are announced.
To contact the next week's bulletin reader to make an announcement (other than a Swop or call-in), please e-mail the club secretary at zs1wrc@warc.org.za before the Thursday preceding the Sunday bulletin.
The WARC Bulletin Manager is ( TBA ??).